168 Nelco Society, Subhash Nagar, Nagpur, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440022, India
Business Details
Lars enviro private limited iso 9001: 2015 certified and a group company of singapore based cleanedge water pte. Ltd. Founded in 1997 as once in India in nagpur. Today, lars enviro is India’s leading private water and waste management company.
It already has 570+ projects with more under in process. All this has been possible no to our passionate, committed and result-oriented team, performing exceptionally in all facets of project development and execution. The water & waste solutions provided by lars for support industrial and commercial establishments to treat water for their process requirements and clean sewage and treat influence. More than the two and a half decades lars has strategically spread its operations over the 22+ countries. Lars enviro's expert manpower having field experience more than 26 years, our solutions are for industry, homes and communities. Our tradition of community service also serves as our foundation. Lars uses an approach which enhanced productivity and earnings and has the proficient in to assist customers. For more details, please visit www.Larsenviro.Com or feel free to get in touch with us. Lars enviro has yes multiple national accolades, including the renewable energy India award (2021, 2022 & 2023), the global safety award, and renewx 2023 - excellence in bioenergy, in recognition of its outstanding work and services in the sector.
- Type:
- Manufacturer/producer
- Keywords:
168 Nelco Society, Subhash Nagar, Nagpur, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440022, India
Contact Persons
Regional Manager - Sales (north)
Roshan Zalke
Lars enviro private limited iso 9001: 2015 certified and a group company of singapore based cleanedge water pte. Ltd. Founded in 1997 as once in India in nagpur. Today, lars enviro is India’s leading private water and waste management company.