How to Join Textile Buy-Sell Forum on ErodeTex.com

  1. Create a free account on ErodeTex.com with your email.
  2. After login, go to the “Discussions” section.
  3. Click and create a new “Discussion”.
  4. Give a “Title” to your post.
  5. Select the related category:
    • Textile Manufacturing
    • Textile Raw Materials
    • Garment Manufacturing
    • Textile Machinery & Equipments
    • Textile Chemicals & Dyes
    • Retail and Distribution
    • Fashion Design & Branding
    • Others
  6. Select post type:
    • Buying
    • Selling
    • Jobs
    • Others
  7. Enter your requirement/supply details.
  8. Upload related files and images.
  9. Add keyword tags.
  10. Submit by verifying captcha and accepting the terms.

Why Join?

  1. This is a textile-only forum.
  2. It is simple and transparent.
  3. Buyers and sellers can contact directly.
  4. Every post title is promoted across our community via social media and WhatsApp to reach the maximum target audience.

👉 Join now and explore new opportunities in the textile industry!

Join our textile marketspace and directly connect with manufacturers, suppliers, and buyers. We simplify communication with your customers and networking partners, providing an easy and interactive platform. Simply connect, trade, and collaborate to unlock a world of new possibilities!


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Email: info@erodetex.com